Be it known that,
While mourning is fine if you want to,
When I die, I would not want tears.
A few good memories to be shared, that is all.
I am definitely going to die.
This is so certain that
it is not a matter of regret.
If I die sooner than expected,
So what?
I’ve done lots of good things.
I might have done more.
If I live for ages and ages,
Whatever I do is up to me now.
I don’t carry any debts or baggage.
If I do nothing much,
So what?
If I do heaps of good things,
So don’t muck about with tears and regret.
If you think you should have said this or done that before I died,
Forget it.
You own me nothing.
If you think I owe you something,
And you missed out on collecting, sorry!
Early or late, we stoop to fate,
So don’t carry on as if it’s a surprise
Or a calamity.
Its not.

Colin Mackenzie 1st August 2008.
Passed, 10th August 2008

Colin and Rachel, 7th February 2008, Kangaroo Point. Simon's Birthday dinner.

Colin and Rachel, 7th February 2008, Kangaroo Point. Simon's Birthday dinner.

Jeremiah Josey