by Jeremiah | Nov 11, 2018 | Creation, Investment, Money, Wealth
My family tree goes back a ways, and there many branches, through great wealth and great wars. English. German, Scottish, Irish. I’ve traced my paternal Josey line back to Portugal around the late 1500’s and then Berkshire, England from the early...
by Jeremiah | Sep 2, 2016 | Best Business Practices, Creation
Welcome to the physical world!! Getting more physical means we want to get together with others and build something. And that means meeting. And that means: Agenda! Agenda = what we want to talk about. Each person has the power to contribute. Each person has their...
by Jeremiah | Jan 1, 2015 | Consciousness, Creation, Global Issues Affecting all of Us, The Little Earth Book
Today, tomorrow or the next, we will collectively look with our hearts, our minds will be idle. Connecting our third eye through to infinite intelligence, tethering our mind to the guidance of the earth bound resonance we all share from our bodies made from mud, made...
by Jeremiah | Jan 25, 2013 | Consciousness, Creation
We drive ourselves crazy when we try to comprehend things beyond our comprehension, trying to make them fit into our own existing paradigm. That’s being rigid. Avoid this crazy. Stretch your own paradigm until it breaks, then you can grab a new one. Then...
by Jeremiah | Jan 24, 2013 | Creation
Jeremiah Josey
by Jeremiah | Jan 16, 2013 | Best Business Practices, Creation
By Jack Preston of Virgin You won’t come across many people who have never had a boss. The thought of not having someone to answer to at work is a peculiar one for most people, however for Richard Branson it’s a natural state of affairs.”Having...
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