by Jeremiah | Jan 12, 2013 | Creation, Money, The Middle East
It’s about a journey. Dubai Jeremiah Josey
by Jeremiah | Dec 5, 2010 | Consciousness, The Middle East
I’m sitting at Arrivals with my regulation Starbucks semi- daily black brew. No sugar. Grande. I’m waiting. All nationalities are arriving. It’s busy. I’m observing. Looking. Staring. A couple emerge. Business or married I can’t...
by Jeremiah | Aug 6, 2010 | Energy, Global Issues Affecting all of Us, The Middle East
I posted a comment here about the real costs of burning hydrocarbons. It was in response to discussion on subsidies on green energy technologies, global warming and everything in between....
by Jeremiah | Jul 14, 2010 | Technology, The Middle East
you can learn about a guy called Dean Karmen from a book called Project Ginger: about how Dean made the segway (and other neat inventions) It’s thanks to people like Dean Karmen that we get to experience marvellous “miracle” technology as “common place”...
by Jeremiah | Oct 12, 2009 | Best Business Practices, The Middle East
Know your army before declaring War – Jamal Al Ajmi, Kuwait, 2009 Jeremiah Josey
by Jeremiah | Mar 28, 2009 | Global Issues Affecting all of Us, The Middle East
Why? Because the strategy is short term focused, and forgets about what is really going on: a nation of disgruntled people with not much else to do, except wait for an exceptionally bleak future to roll over them. This disgruntled state is giving birth to the violent...
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