The Business of War

Waging war, being aggressive, using force is one of the oldest methods of trying to instil “obedience” or servitude in another. We do it between nations, inside our companies, our institutions, our schools and even within our families. On a national scale, of course...

Lost in Translation

I had a very interesting experience the other night when buying a Viva internet account here in Al Khout, Fahaheel, Kuwait. It was one of those small shopping kiosks you see spread along the center of the mall. After I establishing that I wanted a service with Viva...

The Advantages of the Middle East

The Middle Eastern culture has more or less been continuous for close to three thousand years (from roughly 9th century BC). Islam, adopted by the Arabs from the early 7th century AD is a comparative new addition to their rich culture. Islam has never-the-less had a...