by Jeremiah | Jul 28, 2010 | Consciousness, Creation
The Processes (in brackets is the Emotional Set Point range to apply the process to) 1. Rampage of Appreciation (1-5) 2. Magical Creation Box (1-5) 3. The Creation Workshop (1-5) 4. Virtual Reality (1-8) 5. The Prosperity Game (1-16) 6. Process of Meditation (1-22) 7....
by Jeremiah | Jul 24, 2010 | Creation
Be it known that, While mourning is fine if you want to, When I die, I would not want tears. A few good memories to be shared, that is all. I am definitely going to die. This is so certain that it is not a matter of regret. If I die sooner than expected, So what? I’ve...
by Jeremiah | Jul 24, 2010 | Best Business Practices, Creation
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. You have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life,...
by Jeremiah | Apr 2, 2010 | Consciousness, Creation
– Greatness Exists in All of Us – I know what I am, I know what I believe in, and that’s all I need to know. – It can’t be that easy – Yes It Is! – There is no Shortcut to Success – Talent we have naturally. Skill is only developed by...
by Jeremiah | Apr 3, 2009 | Creation
What is at the point of the spear? The edge of the knife? It is nothing. Something, the metal, the material, what ever, sharpened to the point of nothingness. Behind the edge everything. Infront of the edge nothing. And it is the more of nothing which makes the spear...
by Jeremiah | Feb 20, 2009 | Consciousness, Creation, Money
Here’s an enlightening 1/2 hour audio visual that is well worth watching. It’s a discussion between Lynne Twist and Deepak Chopra on “Social Profit”, money and butterflies. Lynne Twist is a San Francisco based social activist who besides raising many...
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