by Jeremiah | Jan 15, 2013 | Best Business Practices, Consciousness, Creation, Meditation
Focus, concentration, endeavour, planning. All of these things are needed to reach any height, obtain any position different to where you are currently. Realize that anyone who has anything in this life has obtained it through some effort of some kind. Even in supreme...
by Jeremiah | Jan 13, 2013 | Creation, Technology
This is the famous 12 sided stone in Hatum Rumiyoc Street, Cusco, Peru. It is 1,000’s of years old, carved with a technology long forgotten by man, and is in fact lost to modern science. We do not know how it was done, and we do not know who did it. It...
by Jeremiah | Jan 13, 2013 | Consciousness, Creation
As you experience more in life you realize that what used to be right for you becomes wrong and visa-versa. Doesn’t that make you think about those definitions in the first place? Jeremiah Josey
by Jeremiah | Jan 12, 2013 | Consciousness, Creation, Meditation
Because of how reality works, and because of how our mind works with reality – a synthesizer of reality, of matter – what you put your attention on, what you thoughts comprise of, really, really matters. It really does. Remember it’s like this:...
by Jeremiah | Jan 12, 2013 | Creation, Money, The Middle East
It’s about a journey. Dubai Jeremiah Josey
by Jeremiah | Jan 12, 2013 | Consciousness, Creation
Everything arrives when you are ready for it. You will feel it arrive because you are aligned to it’s arrival, and to its having by you. That means too, that you also can feel when you are not ready for something to arrive. You just feel it. This is a knowing...
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