by Jeremiah | Sep 4, 2010 | Energy, Global Issues Affecting all of Us Love it, love it, love it! Before the Australian election climate change was relegated to a distant nowhere in the election work up of each major party. Now it’s...
by Jeremiah | Aug 12, 2010 | Creation, Energy, Humorous, Mensa, Technology
I was sitting by the pool today (as I often do), thinking about stuff (as I often do)… I was thinking about a movie called Sunshine released in 2007. An excellent Si-Fi movie set 50 years into the future when the sun is dying. (Worth a watch by the way....
by Jeremiah | Aug 6, 2010 | Energy, Global Issues Affecting all of Us, The Middle East
I posted a comment here about the real costs of burning hydrocarbons. It was in response to discussion on subsidies on green energy technologies, global warming and everything in between....
by Jeremiah | Jul 31, 2010 | Energy, Global Issues Affecting all of Us, Technology
Recent public movements in Australian politics reveal the truth behind the talking: National interest, getting things done, change for the good of everyone? These are not on the agenda. Personal interest, personal gain and tepid caution: these are what drives the...
by Jeremiah | Aug 14, 2009 | Energy, Global Issues Affecting all of Us
I was recently watching “An Inconvenient Truth” by Al Gore again. Again I was reminded of a large amount of doubt and misinformation wandering about the world on the topic of global warming. Like a frightened rabbit, the lights of the oncoming truck have...
by Jeremiah | Jul 13, 2009 | BP, Energy
At the same time as I building my butane sphere I was also “Saving the Whales” or rather the dugongs. You see, the BP refinery was sitting at the mouth of the Brisbane River on a small peninsular of reclaimed land from the 1960’s. Every 6 to 36 hours...
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